miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Climate Risk, The worst Is Yet to Come

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/01/science/earth/climate.html?ref=science&_r=1

Author: Justin Gillis, New York Times.

Theme: Ecology

Topic: Climate Risk

Newspaper: The New York Times of New York.

Extract: " The worst is yet to come, the scieentists said in the second of three reports that are excpected to carry considerable weight next years as nations try to agree on a new global climate treaty"

What happend? Climate Change.

When? Where? now and in the next years, around the world.

Why did it happen? Because the greenhouse emissions are out of control

Who was involved? All humanity.

My opinion: From my point of view, the world need to think about that seriously, is very important to all of us make difference and try to less pollution, is our responsability save the world because we just have one. The governments have to find a way to made some treaty to improve this situation.

Panel on U.N. Climate Change Report, YOKOHAMA, Japan