My Yahoo account: Mariano
Category: sports>other sports
Aditional Details: I wanna know what you think and if you can, Why do you think so?
Aditional Details: I wanna know what you think and if you can, Why do you think so?
Best answer: by brokensreing "Just like anyone else".
Do you believe in ghosts?
Take the recent movie of the conjuring. Certainly there is a lot money to be made. Now I research this a bit. The family looks quite believable when it's part of professional staged promotional that have been put together to sell movie. But I also seen some self made promotional made by the author to sell her book; the discussion were subdued and so less believable.
I tried find Andrea Perron discussion with current owns but it was pulled because the current owners are getting uninvited people and they are afraid someone burning down their house by trying do a seance.
Category: Science & Mathematics>Alternative>Paranorma Phenomenon
Aditional Details: I wanna know what do you think, and What are ghost? Thanks for answer!
Best Answer: By Robert B:
I don't believe in ghosts, I think ghosts are mistaken identifications made under fearful conditions, an artifact on undeveloped film but most the times they are simply hoaxes made by people who think it would be fun.
Take the recent movie of the conjuring. Certainly there is a lot money to be made. Now I research this a bit. The family looks quite believable when it's part of professional staged promotional that have been put together to sell movie. But I also seen some self made promotional made by the author to sell her book; the discussion were subdued and so less believable.
I tried find Andrea Perron discussion with current owns but it was pulled because the current owners are getting uninvited people and they are afraid someone burning down their house by trying do a seance.
Category: Science & Mathematics>Alternatinve>Other - Alternative
Aditional Details: I wanna know the truth, what do you think about it? what is the evidence of extraterrestrial activity?
Best Answer: By BaSH PR0MPT :
Area 51 is merely a test area, like all militaries test areas are highly classified. Not because they house secret alien bases, but because war is a big industry, it makes big money, and can decide the fate of the nation in question. Governments would rather every citizen has a paranoid mental fit foaming at the mouth accusing them of housing aliens or engineering UFO's or ... whatever nonsense conspiretards come up with than risk even a single classified machine of war being exposed or getting into the hands of the enemy so very little is put out by the US government to 'clear up' what Area 51 is used for. Nor should they have to, every government is entitled to actions they consider in the best interest of their citizens in the long run; sadly conspiretards have strange world views and what they consider in the best interest of the public rarely is.
From what I have read on the subject--and I have read EXTENSIVELY on the subject in the past--it is merely a test site for experimental aircraft and weaponry. There doesn't appear to be anything out of the ordinary or supernatural about the place. There have been a lot of videos and photographs in the region of strange flying craft, but these could very well just be test aircraft, and besides there have been numerous sightings of strange flying lights since the dawn of time. Whether this means we are being monitored by extraterrestrials or not is irrelevant, I for one don't think we're that exciting a species to warrant much interest from an advanced species, and anything capable of travelling the immeasurable gulf of space to get here would be considerably advanced.
Look at it this way; how often do humans abduct monkeys from the bush? Are we obsessed with them and all hop in helicopters and hover over their general habitat watching them? Implant stuff in them to monitor them? Secretly get involved in their politics and rig things as to who the next alpha male gorilla will be in the pack? Of course not. So why would any considerably superior race have some long term agenda on earth or even give a rats we exist? It wouldn't.
Some people need to feel as though there is something exciting going on out there, usually these people have little to no education and believe anyone with a formal education is either an arrogant elitist who 'doesn't get it' because they have been brainwashed by 'them' or one of 'them' themselves. They disbelieve all of science because scientists are either 'them' or brainwashed by 'them' or 'science doesn't know everything and is wrong' where as they, the conspiracy theorists, with their high school drop out education know more than all of the worlds scientists combined because they watched a YouTube video or ten and read it on a few websites.
Most conspiracy theorists suffer from mental health issues, but usually only lurk around with fellow conspiracy theorists to try and blend in and feel part of a community. They would have you believe Area 51 is filled with aliens and is an alien base, at present they seem to think these aliens are reptilians and are able to disguise themselves as humans. They will often find artifacts in footage of world leaders where there is light in their eyes in a certain way to give them a 'goat eye' effect or red eye and claim this is their reptilian form showing through.
These people truly believe this mind you, they're not just joking around. There is very little logic or reason in the world of conspiracy theorists.
They will find videos all over the internet from various locations and repost them claiming it was filmed 'by them' over Area 51. They don't care about the facts, or scientific method, they just want their fellow conspiracy nuts to truly believe like they do. Every year thousands of conspiracy nuts flock to Area 51, in fact the surrounding townships have made quite a living out of encouraging their crazy. There's even The Little AlieINN, an inn that caters to conspiracy nutters so they can live closeby to Area 51 and 'monitor' the place to find signs of 'them' and 'their' activity (be it aliens, reptillians, illuminati, etc).
The best sources of information on Area 51 you will find would be wikipedia, merely google: wiki area 51 (in fact, you can prefix any google search with 'wiki' and the wikipedia entry will usually be the top entry) and have a read. But remember, conspiracy theorists are usually a bit touched in the head. Be careful not to get too involved if you decide to chat to them or they'll try and suck you into their web of absolute pathological insanity! :P
From what I have read on the subject--and I have read EXTENSIVELY on the subject in the past--it is merely a test site for experimental aircraft and weaponry. There doesn't appear to be anything out of the ordinary or supernatural about the place. There have been a lot of videos and photographs in the region of strange flying craft, but these could very well just be test aircraft, and besides there have been numerous sightings of strange flying lights since the dawn of time. Whether this means we are being monitored by extraterrestrials or not is irrelevant, I for one don't think we're that exciting a species to warrant much interest from an advanced species, and anything capable of travelling the immeasurable gulf of space to get here would be considerably advanced.
Look at it this way; how often do humans abduct monkeys from the bush? Are we obsessed with them and all hop in helicopters and hover over their general habitat watching them? Implant stuff in them to monitor them? Secretly get involved in their politics and rig things as to who the next alpha male gorilla will be in the pack? Of course not. So why would any considerably superior race have some long term agenda on earth or even give a rats we exist? It wouldn't.
Some people need to feel as though there is something exciting going on out there, usually these people have little to no education and believe anyone with a formal education is either an arrogant elitist who 'doesn't get it' because they have been brainwashed by 'them' or one of 'them' themselves. They disbelieve all of science because scientists are either 'them' or brainwashed by 'them' or 'science doesn't know everything and is wrong' where as they, the conspiracy theorists, with their high school drop out education know more than all of the worlds scientists combined because they watched a YouTube video or ten and read it on a few websites.
Most conspiracy theorists suffer from mental health issues, but usually only lurk around with fellow conspiracy theorists to try and blend in and feel part of a community. They would have you believe Area 51 is filled with aliens and is an alien base, at present they seem to think these aliens are reptilians and are able to disguise themselves as humans. They will often find artifacts in footage of world leaders where there is light in their eyes in a certain way to give them a 'goat eye' effect or red eye and claim this is their reptilian form showing through.
These people truly believe this mind you, they're not just joking around. There is very little logic or reason in the world of conspiracy theorists.
They will find videos all over the internet from various locations and repost them claiming it was filmed 'by them' over Area 51. They don't care about the facts, or scientific method, they just want their fellow conspiracy nuts to truly believe like they do. Every year thousands of conspiracy nuts flock to Area 51, in fact the surrounding townships have made quite a living out of encouraging their crazy. There's even The Little AlieINN, an inn that caters to conspiracy nutters so they can live closeby to Area 51 and 'monitor' the place to find signs of 'them' and 'their' activity (be it aliens, reptillians, illuminati, etc).
The best sources of information on Area 51 you will find would be wikipedia, merely google: wiki area 51 (in fact, you can prefix any google search with 'wiki' and the wikipedia entry will usually be the top entry) and have a read. But remember, conspiracy theorists are usually a bit touched in the head. Be careful not to get too involved if you decide to chat to them or they'll try and suck you into their web of absolute pathological insanity! :P
Category: Education & Reference>Words & Wordplay
Aditional Deatils: I heard that graphene will can use for a lot of things, but i'm not sure of what kind of uses!
Best Answer: By Kiron Kang :
go to the above e, it will tell you.
Grapheme is carbon, very very thin.
go to the above e, it will tell you.
Grapheme is carbon, very very thin.
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